Thursday, April 17, 2014

Snow and Snowman's.

Usually as an Iowan it's normal to expect cold winters and the occasional drastic temperature changes during those winter days. Notice I said, "occasional".. Yeah, well not this year. "Occasional" temperature changes isn't the word for it, I would say not even close. Here in Iowa, this 2013-2014 winter has been anything but a breeze. No exaggeration. One day it is snowing and the next it is a high of 77 and sunny. One day I am layered in clothing trying to do anything and everything to not let the cold touch my skin and the next I am out in shorts and a tank getting turned a nice golden-brown with a tint of sunburn. Talk about your wardrobe being extremely confused. No trying to plan ahead here!

I do admit though, the snow made my fence look pretty.. so of course the natural response to that was to take a completely necessary picture.

Snow can be a lot of fun too I guess, I mean hey, "Do YOU wanna build a snowman?.."

( Notice her eyes closed. This is her new way of thinking picture taking is done. And I guess the sun might have played a role as well =] ) 


I'd have to say that you are never to old to get out and play in the snow. Nerveless build a snowman. Always have dreams and always set goals but never forget that during the midst of all the chaos and crazy that there is this thing called life that your living and it's okay to sometimes just sit back and enjoy. Because at the end of the day, at the end of your life, you won't remember the chaos and mess, you'll remember all the time you threw away from being caught up in the nonsense that doesn't really matter. It's okay to live life, it's okay to enjoy. I think about my little sister. She is 4 and I'm 16. I'm gone in 2 years and I often wonder if she will remember me being here, growing up with me around. To me each moment I have left with her matters.. it counts. Make every moment you have with the ones you love count. Because once it's gone, it's gone. 

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