Thursday, April 3, 2014

B&W "Wordless" Stories

I've always had this soft spot for black and white pictures. Maybe because I think that's the type of person I can be. Honest and opinionated. You're either in or out but no between..hmm. Or maybe not. Maybe I just have a passion for them. I don't know, it really probably doesn't matter.

I think they tell a story, they can describe words without having to say them. I guess they just tug at my heart. And yea, I know, none of these really go together in one "category", but i'm still sharing some of my most recent precious moments that I've captured and to me, they tell a story. :)

                         ( sweet mommy snuggles.. ) 

                                   ( A boy and his dog )

( baby snuggles )

.."He trains my hands for battle; he strengthens my arm to draw a bronze bow".. -Ps.18:34 

( little piggies ) 

As always.. Xoxo. 


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