Thursday, January 16, 2014

A focused vision.

   “Because living for other people means you’re living a lie…”
This is something that’s been on my heart the past couple months but it didn't really hit home until I heard that line in a song the other day and it got me thinking how there is so much truth in one little sentence. I mean think about it, how many times do YOU do things JUST for the approval of other people? We do it all the time. The truth is that you are better than no one, so why does there seem to be such a need to get that applaud on the back from what other people think? There’s a fine line between wanting to make someone proud and please them, and then making that need to please and get approval from other people your idol.
The song then continues to say….

       “Life is a cage, a prison of everyone’s approval….
        We fight for acceptance and struggle to not lose it….
        But livin for their acceptance has got us stressin, the insecure ones are obsessed with leaving good impressions….”

   It shouldn't be like that, that’s not how God created us to be. Your goal shouldn't be to make a good impression on other people, it shouldn't be to get a pat on the back so everyone thinks you’re a good person. Your goal should be to please God, to get His attention, to stay humble, and get a well done from Him. Your relationship with God should be between you and God, it shouldn't be something to proudly show off to other people so they will put a nice label on you and set you high in their minds.

   I've noticed that people have become so obsessed with how they are accepted by other people that they go to the point of letting God down and turning their backs on Him. They start to just put on a show and let themselves slip into religious obedient actions so they keep getting the applaud of men. They start to live for the acceptance and approval of men and then die from their rejection.
When your eyes are no longer on God you have now placed them on man, and you have created that to be your god because that is who you strive to live for, that’s who you’re craving to please.  You've set the acceptance of men on high and downgraded God, you’ve told him that he’s no longer good enough. When you fall into this, you’re no longer serving God, you are serving the satisfaction of yourself and the people around you. 

   Galatians 1:10 says, “Am I now trying to win the approval of men, or of God? Or am I trying to please men? If I were still trying to please men, I would not be a servant of Christ.”

   And Isaiah 2:22 says also, “Stop trusting in man, who has but a breath in his nostrils. Of what account is he?”

   Chaos and stress comes from always trying to make sure everyone around approves or is satisfied, but when you look to God, everything people are throwing out there at you sorta just falls by the way side because God is who your eyes are fixed on. There comes a peace when you just trust Him. Make your heart’s desire to please God, because in the end, that’s all that matters. Sometimes the people around you won't understand your journey with God, and that's OK, because it's not for them. It's better for God to approve then for the world to applaud. 

   Well, on that note.. :)

   Much love,
    xoxoxoxo. Elizabeth.


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